Essex County Fire and Rescue Service


Fire Service urges public to use fireworks responsibly

Essex County Fire and Rescue Service is urging the public to use fireworks responsibly after being called to a number of anti-social firework incidents on Halloween.

Fire crews across Essex were called to four incidents across the county where people had used fireworks anti-socially.

Crews were first called to an incident behind Wickford Fire Station where a group had been setting fireworks off in a park.

Later into the evening, crews were called to a rubbish fire near to a high-rise block of flats in Argent Street, Grays after a firework was thrown into a rubbish pile. Crews worked to prevent the fire spreading to the high-rise building.

Police are investigating a number of reports of fireworks being used antisocially across the county.

In one incident, a firework was posted through the letterbox of a house in Sharpecroft, Harlow where a woman and her young child were inside.

Neil Fenwick,Area Manager - Operational and Strategic Support at Essex County Fire and Rescue Service said: “Thankfully, the fire was out when we arrived and the two occupants were unharmed. However, this could have quickly turned into a devastating fire with two people’s lives at risk.

“Fireworks are an explosive and should be handled with care. Not only can they cause a fire if handled incorrectly, they can also cause devastating burns if they explode near to a person.

“Please do not misuse fireworks. Do not walk around with them in your pocket and do not throw lit fireworks. If you’re a parent, make sure your children are not using fireworks.”

If you see someone misusing fireworks, please dial 999 to report it.

Page last updated 2 November, 2021

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